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Maximilian Feichtner studied Spanish, political science, and social sciences in Freiburg, Cape Town, and Bangkok. He participated in the Global Studies Programme and received a joint MA in social sciences from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the University of Cape Town in July 2016. The title of his thesis was “Enacting Sovereignty—A Critical Discourse Analysis of President Rafael Correa's Speeches on the Environment.”He worked as a research associate on resonance effects in human interaction before becoming a PhD candidate at the Rachel Carson Center. He joined the DFG Emmy-Noether Research Group "Hazardous Travels: Ghost Acres and the Global Waste Economy" in April 2017.
Dissertation Project: Hazards in the Amazon: An Environmental History of Oil Production in Ecuador
In July 2019, Max was awarded the SOLCHA Prize for Best Paper on Latin American Environmental History that transcends a National Perspective at the 3rd World Congress of Environmental History in Florianópolis, Brasil, for his talk “Ghost Acres – or the dynamics of disposing oil production wastes in the Ecuadorean Amazon.”
Selected Publications:
Feichtner, M. (2020). Toxic Ghost Acres, o la dinámica de la eliminación de desechos de producción de petróleo en la Amazonía ecuatoriana, de los años setenta a noventa. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista de la Solcha, 10(1), 23-51.
with Marta Bulnes. La Pachamama y el Petróleo. Tradiciones y sus transformaciones en la comunidad kichwa de San Isidro (Ecuador). Freiburg: HPSL, 2014.